GMS Parent Handbook 2021-2023 | |
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Welcome to Gore Main School
Dear Parents and Caregivers
Thank you for your interest in Gore Main School. We are very proud of our school and the history that it upholds. We work hard to make learning stimulating and enjoyable. Gore Main is an exciting place to teach and learn. I am very confident that we will provide your child with a positive and rewarding education experience.
At Gore Main School we endeavour to provide the following:
Quality learning programmes that encourage excellence, independence and success.
We build on your child’s literacy and numeracy skills, whilst providing support programmes and extension for children who need it. We uphold challenging and stimulating learning experiences and extend children by offering a rich depth of academic, cultural and sporting opportunities. We use people’s strengths to ensure each child receives a quality learning programme in all areas of the curriculum. We are extremely excited by the extension programmes that run within the school.
Open communication between home and school.
Your involvement is crucial to your child’s success. We look forward to developing a partnership with parents in the best interests of your child. We aim to keep parents and caregivers fully informed about what is happening at school. We encourage your involvement in school life and provide you with opportunities to provide feedback on school performance.
A safe, supportive, caring family atmosphere for learning.
We recognise that we have an instrumental role in preparing children to fit into society as responsible and caring people. Children at Gore Main School are central to school life and our pupils take great pleasure in helping to create a supportive and friendly family environment. We really care about our children.
Once again thank you for your interest in Gore Main School. Should you decide to enrol your child, we look forward to working with you and having you on our support team.
Glenn Puna
Gore Main School
Staff 2022
New Entrant Year 1, Room 1 - Mrs Cathy Puna
[email protected]
Year 2, Room 2 - Miss Renee Sinclair
[email protected]
Year 2/3, Room 3 - Miss Emma Burgess
[email protected]
Year 2-3, Room 4 - Mrs Kate Ure
[email protected]
Year 3, Room 5 - Mrs Rose McKenzie
[email protected]
Year 4, Room 7 - Mrs Natasha McColl
[email protected]
Year 5, Room 8 - Mrs Kath Russell
[email protected]
Year 6, Room 9 - Mrs Julie Bensemann and Mrs Lana Williams
[email protected] [email protected]
Special Education Needs Coordinator - Mrs Robyn Thompson
[email protected]
RtLit - Mrs Bronwyn Fennessy
[email protected]
Support Staff
Teachers at Gore Main School must complete the Appraisal programme. This helps to ensure that we are constantly looking at our practise and providing our children with the most effective learning environment.
Each Friday at 2.15pm the school will gather to celebrate the events of the fortnight, enjoy items and receive notices, guest’s etc. You will be notified if your child is receiving a certificate by text message.
Children are expected to be at school every day that the school is open. Please have your child at school by 8.50am. Please inform the school of all absences by telephone, text or email. Parents will be contacted if there is an unexplained absence.
You will be kept up to date with events within the school by either the school newsletter, Facebook or class notices.
If you have any questions or concerns at any time about any issue, contact your classroom teacher or the principal immediately. If you have a complaint then please follow the complaints procedure which is sent home each term.
For any serious discipline issues the child should be referred to the principal. All other behaviour management will be conducted by the classroom teacher. Parents will be contacted around serious issues and worked through together.
A formal duty roster is set up for teachers to supervise pupils at playtime and lunchtime.
Every term at GMS children and staff will practice evacuation drills to ensure that we all know what to do in case of an emergency.
Children aged 5 years may be enrolled. Transition visits are encouraged and are to be arranged with the principal and/or junior teacher. If you live in zone then your child has automatic entry. If your child lives out of zone then you will need to contact the school for information about the enrolment scheme and the process involved.
Children eat fruit at 10.00 each day. Please make sure that children have fruit in their lunch each day.
Goal setting / parent interviews will be conducted in Term 1 and Term 3. Teachers will share current levels and set goals with the child and whanau. Parents should clearly understand what the child is trying to achieve at school and activities that they can do at home as a whanau.
Our Health Nurse visits once a fortnight. Contact the office for more information.
Homework is an activity designed to help children learn well in an atmosphere of home and school co-operating in order to revise, reinforce and extend class programmes. A further purpose is to assist children in developing an independent attitude to study routines and effective organisation of time. Reading should be a main focus for homework activities. Parents should expect some form of homework activity four nights a week. Teachers are therefore asked to set suitable tasks, which are relevant to classroom programmes, enjoyable and interesting.
Junior Pupils
Up to approximately 10-15 minutes per night
Junior pupils take home Readers, Numeracy Activities, Spelling.
Senior Pupils
Up to approximately 10-15 minutes per night
Year 4 to 6 pupils also take home Readers, Numeracy Activities, Spelling or Worksheets.
Any questions then please contact the school.
Karakia is to be performed by the children every day. Teachers will be supplied with a copy of the words. There is no religious component to the karakia but instead a time to thank those who have provided us with the food/meal.
Teachers, Staff and whanau at Gore Main School must use appropriate language at all times. Our communication with staff, children and whanau must always carry a positive and professional tone. You are expected to role model the correct use of language and positive behaviours while on school grounds.
The children are to be seated in the quad at lunch times to eat their food. Children are able to bring heat ups to school and are only allowed water. We are also an Enviro-School so we ask that you restrict excess packaging.
Pupils are not permitted to bring lollies to school. These may be used as a reward at the teacher’s discretion.
If your child has any medical condition then please inform the school and instruct us on what we need to do in case of any issues.
Paracetamol (or any pain killing medication) is not given without specific permission from the parent. Record when medication is given (date and time).
If your child is injured in any way you will be informed by staff. If you have any concerns that we may not know about then please discuss this with staff.
BOT Meetings
These are held monthly in the staffroom. You are welcome to attend these meetings or if you have things you wish to be addressed then these can be forwarded to the principal.
Pupils are not permitted to leave the school grounds without the permission of a teacher and/or parent.
Pupils are not permitted to leave the school grounds unless with their parents. If other people are picking your child up then please inform the school asap.
Lost Property
“Found” clothing will be stored for a reasonable period in the staffroom. Property will be displayed at assembly. Staff will dispose of unclaimed items each year.
Money and Valuables
These should not be left in pupil’s bags or desks. Money and valuable should either be handed to the office or teacher. The school accepts no responsibility for loss of personal non-school items.
Damage to School Property
Damage to buildings or property is to be reported to the Principal immediately. Pupils may be asked to contribute in part or full when the damage is wilful, deliberate or the result of reckless behaviour. This will need to be discussed with the principal and parents.
Teachers are to report the child's achievement and progress twice a year. Teachers will focus on the core curriculum areas and also a general comment.
Teaching staff are expected to be available before school for discussions and arrangements relating to the day. Teachers are requested to be at school prior to 8.30am and not to leave school until 3.30pm, unless the Principal has been made aware of this.
Bell Times 9.00am Class commences
10.00am Fruit
10.30am Class recommences
11.10am Morning Tea
11.30am Class recommences
12.30pm Lunch
1.30pm Class recommences
3.00pm End of School Day
Gore Main School has a sports coordinator who organises all of the sporting activities available for the children. All children are encouraged to give sport a go.
Children should not come into the staffroom unless invited. Classes may use the staffroom under the supervision of a teacher but are asked to respect this privilege. Please keep this area tidy and clean any personal dishes etc. Parents who are visiting or assisting in the classroom please feel free to use the staffroom and help yourself to the tea and coffee.
Every year whānau will be provided with a stationary list of items to purchase. These are provided from the classroom teacher and may differ from year to year.
The school sunhat is compulsory on sunny days in Term 1 and 4. Children without sun-hats will be expected to play in the shade. Sun block is available for pupils to use.
Children are expected to wear the correct school uniform at all times. Parents should supply a note if there are issues with uniforms. Please ensure that clothing is labelled and that all clothing goes home at the end of the day.
Dear Parents and Caregivers
Thank you for your interest in Gore Main School. We are very proud of our school and the history that it upholds. We work hard to make learning stimulating and enjoyable. Gore Main is an exciting place to teach and learn. I am very confident that we will provide your child with a positive and rewarding education experience.
At Gore Main School we endeavour to provide the following:
Quality learning programmes that encourage excellence, independence and success.
We build on your child’s literacy and numeracy skills, whilst providing support programmes and extension for children who need it. We uphold challenging and stimulating learning experiences and extend children by offering a rich depth of academic, cultural and sporting opportunities. We use people’s strengths to ensure each child receives a quality learning programme in all areas of the curriculum. We are extremely excited by the extension programmes that run within the school.
Open communication between home and school.
Your involvement is crucial to your child’s success. We look forward to developing a partnership with parents in the best interests of your child. We aim to keep parents and caregivers fully informed about what is happening at school. We encourage your involvement in school life and provide you with opportunities to provide feedback on school performance.
A safe, supportive, caring family atmosphere for learning.
We recognise that we have an instrumental role in preparing children to fit into society as responsible and caring people. Children at Gore Main School are central to school life and our pupils take great pleasure in helping to create a supportive and friendly family environment. We really care about our children.
Once again thank you for your interest in Gore Main School. Should you decide to enrol your child, we look forward to working with you and having you on our support team.
Glenn Puna
Gore Main School
Staff 2022
- Principal/Tumuaki - Glenn Puna - [email protected]
- Deputy Principal - Kath Russell - [email protected]
- Junior Syndicate Leader - Emma Burgess - [email protected]
New Entrant Year 1, Room 1 - Mrs Cathy Puna
[email protected]
Year 2, Room 2 - Miss Renee Sinclair
[email protected]
Year 2/3, Room 3 - Miss Emma Burgess
[email protected]
Year 2-3, Room 4 - Mrs Kate Ure
[email protected]
Year 3, Room 5 - Mrs Rose McKenzie
[email protected]
Year 4, Room 7 - Mrs Natasha McColl
[email protected]
Year 5, Room 8 - Mrs Kath Russell
[email protected]
Year 6, Room 9 - Mrs Julie Bensemann and Mrs Lana Williams
[email protected] [email protected]
Special Education Needs Coordinator - Mrs Robyn Thompson
[email protected]
RtLit - Mrs Bronwyn Fennessy
[email protected]
Support Staff
- School Secretary - Mrs Jan McGowan - [email protected]
- Teacher Aides
- Mrs Angela Black, Mrs Robyn Clarke, Mrs Casey Williamson, Mrs Jess McKeogh, Mrs Laura Downing
- Caretaker - Mr Neil Sleeman
- Cleaning Team - Mrs Rowena Gibson and Rua Williams
Teachers at Gore Main School must complete the Appraisal programme. This helps to ensure that we are constantly looking at our practise and providing our children with the most effective learning environment.
Each Friday at 2.15pm the school will gather to celebrate the events of the fortnight, enjoy items and receive notices, guest’s etc. You will be notified if your child is receiving a certificate by text message.
Children are expected to be at school every day that the school is open. Please have your child at school by 8.50am. Please inform the school of all absences by telephone, text or email. Parents will be contacted if there is an unexplained absence.
You will be kept up to date with events within the school by either the school newsletter, Facebook or class notices.
If you have any questions or concerns at any time about any issue, contact your classroom teacher or the principal immediately. If you have a complaint then please follow the complaints procedure which is sent home each term.
For any serious discipline issues the child should be referred to the principal. All other behaviour management will be conducted by the classroom teacher. Parents will be contacted around serious issues and worked through together.
A formal duty roster is set up for teachers to supervise pupils at playtime and lunchtime.
Every term at GMS children and staff will practice evacuation drills to ensure that we all know what to do in case of an emergency.
Children aged 5 years may be enrolled. Transition visits are encouraged and are to be arranged with the principal and/or junior teacher. If you live in zone then your child has automatic entry. If your child lives out of zone then you will need to contact the school for information about the enrolment scheme and the process involved.
Children eat fruit at 10.00 each day. Please make sure that children have fruit in their lunch each day.
Goal setting / parent interviews will be conducted in Term 1 and Term 3. Teachers will share current levels and set goals with the child and whanau. Parents should clearly understand what the child is trying to achieve at school and activities that they can do at home as a whanau.
Our Health Nurse visits once a fortnight. Contact the office for more information.
Homework is an activity designed to help children learn well in an atmosphere of home and school co-operating in order to revise, reinforce and extend class programmes. A further purpose is to assist children in developing an independent attitude to study routines and effective organisation of time. Reading should be a main focus for homework activities. Parents should expect some form of homework activity four nights a week. Teachers are therefore asked to set suitable tasks, which are relevant to classroom programmes, enjoyable and interesting.
Junior Pupils
Up to approximately 10-15 minutes per night
Junior pupils take home Readers, Numeracy Activities, Spelling.
Senior Pupils
Up to approximately 10-15 minutes per night
Year 4 to 6 pupils also take home Readers, Numeracy Activities, Spelling or Worksheets.
Any questions then please contact the school.
Karakia is to be performed by the children every day. Teachers will be supplied with a copy of the words. There is no religious component to the karakia but instead a time to thank those who have provided us with the food/meal.
Teachers, Staff and whanau at Gore Main School must use appropriate language at all times. Our communication with staff, children and whanau must always carry a positive and professional tone. You are expected to role model the correct use of language and positive behaviours while on school grounds.
The children are to be seated in the quad at lunch times to eat their food. Children are able to bring heat ups to school and are only allowed water. We are also an Enviro-School so we ask that you restrict excess packaging.
Pupils are not permitted to bring lollies to school. These may be used as a reward at the teacher’s discretion.
If your child has any medical condition then please inform the school and instruct us on what we need to do in case of any issues.
Paracetamol (or any pain killing medication) is not given without specific permission from the parent. Record when medication is given (date and time).
If your child is injured in any way you will be informed by staff. If you have any concerns that we may not know about then please discuss this with staff.
BOT Meetings
These are held monthly in the staffroom. You are welcome to attend these meetings or if you have things you wish to be addressed then these can be forwarded to the principal.
Pupils are not permitted to leave the school grounds without the permission of a teacher and/or parent.
Pupils are not permitted to leave the school grounds unless with their parents. If other people are picking your child up then please inform the school asap.
Lost Property
“Found” clothing will be stored for a reasonable period in the staffroom. Property will be displayed at assembly. Staff will dispose of unclaimed items each year.
Money and Valuables
These should not be left in pupil’s bags or desks. Money and valuable should either be handed to the office or teacher. The school accepts no responsibility for loss of personal non-school items.
Damage to School Property
Damage to buildings or property is to be reported to the Principal immediately. Pupils may be asked to contribute in part or full when the damage is wilful, deliberate or the result of reckless behaviour. This will need to be discussed with the principal and parents.
Teachers are to report the child's achievement and progress twice a year. Teachers will focus on the core curriculum areas and also a general comment.
Teaching staff are expected to be available before school for discussions and arrangements relating to the day. Teachers are requested to be at school prior to 8.30am and not to leave school until 3.30pm, unless the Principal has been made aware of this.
Bell Times 9.00am Class commences
10.00am Fruit
10.30am Class recommences
11.10am Morning Tea
11.30am Class recommences
12.30pm Lunch
1.30pm Class recommences
3.00pm End of School Day
Gore Main School has a sports coordinator who organises all of the sporting activities available for the children. All children are encouraged to give sport a go.
Children should not come into the staffroom unless invited. Classes may use the staffroom under the supervision of a teacher but are asked to respect this privilege. Please keep this area tidy and clean any personal dishes etc. Parents who are visiting or assisting in the classroom please feel free to use the staffroom and help yourself to the tea and coffee.
Every year whānau will be provided with a stationary list of items to purchase. These are provided from the classroom teacher and may differ from year to year.
The school sunhat is compulsory on sunny days in Term 1 and 4. Children without sun-hats will be expected to play in the shade. Sun block is available for pupils to use.
Children are expected to wear the correct school uniform at all times. Parents should supply a note if there are issues with uniforms. Please ensure that clothing is labelled and that all clothing goes home at the end of the day.